New Home Communities in Northern California

Premier Showcase

Welcome to a showcase of our award-winning communities. We are proud to share the collection of homes designed with creativity, dedication, and teamwork. Dive in to see how we've turned ideas into reality, delivering new homes that we truly take pride in.

Esprit at Premier Montelena

The Origination of the Premier Possibilities Home

Close-Out 2023

Designed to help you discover the perfect home for wherever life has taken you.

Elan at Premier Montelena

2020 North State BIA Community of the Year

Close-out 2023

Elan, a French term, brings to mind enthusiasm and energy, a definition that fits perfectly with the concept behind these home designs.

Elevate at Premier Montelena

Crafted for the Ultimate in Modern Family Living

Close-out 2023

A balance in richness, simplicity, and a modern aesthetic, these homes blurred the lines between modern and traditional living for the perfect blend.

Echelon at Premier Montelena

2022 North State BIA Community of the Year

Close-out 2023

A distinct collection of award-winning single and two-story homes uniquely designed for modern living.

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We focus on building the right new home in the right location throughout Northern California. If you want to make sure you know which exciting new home community is coming next from one of California's best home builders, join our interest list.

Past Projects

Premier’s Legacy


Element Built Will Bring Your Vision To Life

Element Built works with landowners, developers, and investors to provide complete project management and construction services. We’ll take the vision you have for your land and give it life with our uniquely detail-oriented approach to home building.

Zinfandel Ridge

Zinfandel Ridge is a community of spacious homes in Plymouth, CA surrounded by open spaces and vineyards in the Amador Wine Country.

Paso Fino

Paso Fino is an exclusive community of luxurious homes in Davis, CA.